POSTICHE 65 points (15 points without the bingo)Definition: an imitation [n]Not to be confused with pastiche, postiche simply means an imitation—a counterfeit of something. It could be anything, but ...

YANQUIS 68 points (18 points without the bingo)Definition: United States citizens [n/pl.]By the way it's spelled, you might not even realize it's the exact same thing as Yankees, only with a QUI inst ...

FEAZING 70 points (20 points without the bingo)Definition: fazing; disturbing the composure of [present participle of feaze]As mentioned, feazing is the present participle of feaze, which is a verb t ...

SHLEMIEL 63 points (11 points without the bingo)Definition: an unlucky bungler [n]Shlemiel is a Yiddish word that describes a clumsy, inept person by Jewish persons. The Yiddish language is a mix of ...

WANIGAN 61 points (11 points without the bingo)Definition: a supply chest used in a logging camp [n]The most common definition of wanigan (or wannigan) is a small chest which holds supplies for lumbe ...

DOTTREL 58 points (8 points without the bingo)Definition: dotterel; a shore bird [n]If you're familiar with the dotterel bird, you may think dottrel is a misspelling, but it's just another way of put ...

ALAMEDA 60 points (10 points without the bingo)Definition: a shaded walkway [n]For those on the west coast, alameda is not just a city in the Harbor Bay or a street in downtown Los Angeles, it's also ...

MACHZOR 73 points (23 points without the bingo)Definition: mahzor; a Jewish prayer book [n]If you ever get stuck with a rack like ZORCHAM, you might be prompted to lay something down like CHAM or CHR ...

DIAPSID 61 points (11 points without the bingo)Definition: a reptile with two pairs of temporal openings in the skull [n]Diapsids are "double-arched" reptiles whose skulls possess two developed openi ...